Welcome to the AZ87 7-on-7 Football Program! We're here to address your questions and ensure a smooth experience for both athletes and parents. If you have additional inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to our coaching staff.

1. Volunteer Opportunities, Player Sponsorship Program, Local Donations:

Q: What volunteer opportunities are available, and how can parents get involved? A: We value your active participation! Volunteer opportunities will be communicated through team announcements. Express your interest to the coaching staff. Explore our exciting Player Sponsorship Program and local donation initiatives detailed in upcoming announcements.

2. Team Placement:

Q: How will we know which team our child made? A: Team assignments will be sent via email or text 30 days before the first traveling tournament. Announcements will include the team name and relevant details. Note: ALL TEAMS are subject to change, and any modifications will be promptly communicated.

3. Practice Schedule:

Q: What is the practice schedule? A: Mark your calendars! Practice schedule: VAR-FROSH Every Thursday in Academy

Q: What is the tournament schedule? A: Tournament dates are finalized; details promptly communicated:

4. Jersey/Player Dues:

Q: What are the Jersey Order Dates? A: Secure your jerseys early! Deadlines:

5. Payment Arrangements:

Q: Can we make payment arrangements for player/jersey dues? A: Absolutely! Coach Artis and Coach Baines are ready to discuss and set up convenient payment plans. "No kid left behind" is our motto. Contact (602) 860-1354 or justin.a.artis@gmail.com. All payment arrangements must be paid in full by Jan. 19th

6. Late Registration:

Q: Is late registration allowed? A: Yes! Latecomers are welcome. Contact Coach Artis or Coach Baines to discuss the process and find the best fit for your child. Assessments will be conducted for late additions.

7. Traveling:

Q: Are there travel commitments? A: Yes, anticipate tournaments beyond the local area. Travel plans, accommodations, and costs are communicated well in advance. We prioritize providing ample notice for families.

8. Parent-Coach Communication:

Q: How can we communicate with our child's coach? A: Coaches are accessible via email and phone. Stay updated on practice schedules and team announcements through team communications and meetings. Coach details will be shared post-team assignments.

9. Elite Team vs. Competitive Team:

Q: What is the difference between the Elite Team and the Competitive Team? A: Tailored for different preferences:

10. Moving to the Elite Travel Team:

Q: Can my kid move up to the Elite Travel Team? A: Yes, based on performance, commitment, and development. Movement is subject to evaluation and team availability.

11. Parent Expectations:

Q: What are the parents expectations? A: Active support, attendance at events, clear communication, and adherence to program values. Foster a positive and inclusive environment.

12. Coach Assignment:

Q: Who will be my son's coach? A: Coach assignments post finalization. Coach details, including contact information, are shared via email or text with team assignments.

13. Uniform and Equipment:

Q: Will the team provide all necessary uniforms and equipment, or are there items parents need to provide? A: The team provides the necessary gear. Details on specific items parents are responsible for will be communicated before the season begins.

14. Weather Contingency:

Q: What is the procedure in case of inclement weather affecting scheduled practices or tournaments? A: Prompt notifications on schedule changes via email, text, or designated channels prioritize safety.

15. Team Building Activities:

Q: Are there any team-building activities or events planned throughout the season for athletes and parents? A: Team cohesion is a priority. Team-building activities and events planned for camaraderie and engagement.

16. Game Time Information:

Q: How will parents be informed of any changes in game times or tournament schedules? A: Changes communicated through designated channels - email, text, and team announcements - ensuring timely information.

17. Injury Protocols:

Q: What is the protocol in case of injuries during practices or tournaments? Are there medical personnel present? A: Coaches trained in first aid; protocols in place for injuries. Medical personnel are available for serious incidents.

18. Communication Channels:

Q: Besides contacting coaches directly, what other communication channels are in place for updates and announcements? A: Utilize team emails, group texts, and potentially a dedicated team app. Key updates are shared during meetings and on official social media channels.

19. End-of-Season Celebrations:

Q: Are there any plans for end-of-season celebrations or recognition events for the athletes? A: Yes! End-of-season celebrations are organized to acknowledge player achievements. Details are shared as the season progresses.